Life is always unfair .!!

In Mahabharat's local version, Karn asks Lord Krishn - "My mother left me the moment I was born.Is it my fault I was born an illegitimate child?I did not get the education from Dhronachary because I was considered not a Kshatriya. Parshu-Raam taught me but then gave me the curse to forget everything (much before... Continue Reading →

The Most Complex International Border

International borders can be so complicated and there are plenty of complex borders in the world. In this post I will take on disputed borders between India China and Pakistan. Most of the disputed land is within the state of Jammu and Kashmir which was a princely state before the partition of India and Pakistan... Continue Reading →

Prominence of Social Media and the boom of Digital Interactions

Technology has its hands everywhere. Until Graham Bell invented the telephone, people couldn’t even imagine speaking with another person living afar. Another step towards better future happened with wireless communication and thus emerged the modern ‘Digital Era’. Digital Tech Giants like IBM, Apple, Google, and Microsoft opened up Windows to the emerging technologies making world... Continue Reading →

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